
Fiji Gender, Disability and Inclusion Analysis COVID-19, TC Yasa and TC Ana

Authored by: Save the Children

Sub-Categories: Access to Justice and Rule of Law, Climate and Environment, COVID-19, Economic Recovery, Human Development, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)
Country: Fiji
Region: East Asia and the Pacific
Year: 2021
Citation: "Fiji Gender, Disability and Inclusion Analysis COVID-19, TC Yasa and TC Ana." Save the Children. April 2021.

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Executive Summary

Fiji is facing unprecedented challenges as a result of the compounded effects of COVID-19, Tropical Cyclone (TC) Yasa and TC Ana. Prior to the pandemic and natural disasters, 30% of Fiji’s population was estimated to be living in poverty, with many more undoubtedly on the margins.

People from all walks of life are doing their best to cope, with support being provided by multiple groups both within Fiji and overseas, but recovery efforts exist in a context of high levels of gender inequality and social exclusion. Women, people living in poverty, elderly populations, people with a disability, persons of diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and/or Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) and any combination of these groups are bearing the brunt of the impacts. These inequities are the root causes of social vulnerability to disasters as they affect people’s ability to anticipate, prepare for, survive, cope with, and recover from disasters. All humanitarian and development partners therefore must not simply manage disaster risk better but help address the root causes that drive risk and undermine resilience.