Submit a Resource


Submit A Resource

Use this form to enter new items into the GIWPS Repository. To enter information, click on the blank space underneath each prompt. If you have any difficulty, please contact Evelyn Garrity at

  • Max. file size: 100 MB.
  • The author name should be formatted: First Name Middle Initial Last Name (example: Jane L. Goodhall). If there is more than one author, add "and" between the names. If there are more than three authors, include the first three names, and add "et al." to the end.
  • Year of publication. Format as YYYY.
  • This is the full citation for the article, in Chicago bibliography style.
  • This is the region that the publication focuses on. If no region was discussed in the article at length, please choose “No Region.”
  • This is the country that is the subject of the publication. If more than one country is discussed at length, use a comma between countries. Please do not abbreviate country names. If there is no single country that is the subject of the publication, leave this blank.
  • This is the institution at which the author is based. (for example, Georgetown University). If unknown, leave this blank.
  • This is how the author appears to identify, as best as you can tell. Choose “Mixed Team” if the team is a mix of men and women. If unknown, leave this blank.
  • This is the article’s abstract or report's summary, copied directly from the publication.