Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction
Climate change is a global challenge that burdens all of humanity, but not equally. The world’s poor, the majority of whom are women, are encumbered disproportionately. The distinct impacts of climate change on men and women are exacerbated in settings that are also affected by violent conflict, political instability, and economic strife. As the world struggles to grapple with rapid onset disasters as well as respond to slower degradation caused by climate change, it is critical to ensure that women – from different backgrounds – are able to lead in negotiations and participate in the design and implementation of programs, and that gender issues are firmly on the climate agenda. Our recent research study explores how local women are fostering climate-resilient communities in Colombia, Sudan & Nepal, while our latest report focuses on concrete recommendations for inclusive local-level adaptation within the agriculture and energy sectors.
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Climate and Security: Advancing a Gender Lens
Profiles in Peace
Women on the Front Lines of Climate Change
Experts discuss COP22 and the significant strides that were made in the adoption of a gender and climate policy decision. Mary Robinson, President of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice and Former President of Ireland; Jonathan Pershing, Special Envoy for Climate Change for the US Department of State; and Lorena Aguilar, Global Senior Gender Adviser for IUCN address the particular effect that climate change has on women as well as women’s role in mitigating and adapting to environmental change. They call for full implementation of the COP22 gender decision moving forward.