

Muna Luqman

Hillary Clinton Award | 10/05/2023

Muna Luqman is the Founder and Executive Director of Food4Humanity, Co-Founder of the Women's Solidarity Network and a Peace and Security Strategist in Yemen.

Muna Luqman is a Yemeni peace activist and advocate for human rights. She is a co-founder of the Women’s Solidarity Network, Chairperson of the Yemeni foundation Food For Humanity and member of the Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership. Muna works with grassroots organizations in Yemen and with the Yemeni diaspora to demand women have a seat at the peace negotiations table. She lives in Egypt, having had to flee Yemen in 2016. Luqman frequently briefs the UN Security Council, members of the US Congress, and the UN Human Rights Council. She has worked across the world to advocate for an end to the war in Yemen and to call for women’s participation in the peace process. Climate change and water diplomacy have been a highlight of her advocacy work, particularly on local mediation over natural resources. Luqman is currently working on security sector reform, governance, and climate with Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, and with the Center of Humanitarian Dialogue in Geneva.