After Colinialism: Imperial Histories and Postcolonial Displacements

  • Citation: Prakash, Gyan, ed. After colonialism: imperial histories and postcolonial displacements. Princeton University Press, 1995.
    • Topics:
    • Great Power Conflict
    • IR Theories
    • Keywords:
    • Haiti
    • India
    • colonialism
    • imperialism
    • colonial discourse
    • Palestine

After Colonialism offers a fresh look at the history of colonialism and the changes in knowledge, disciplines, and identities produced by the imperial experience. Ranging across disciplines — from history to anthropology to literary studies — and across regions — from India to Palestine to Latin America to Europe — the essays in this volume reexamine colonialism and its aftermath. Leading literary scholars, historians, and anthropologists engage with recent theories and perspectives in their specific studies, showing the centrality of colonialism in the making of the modern world and offering postcolonial reflections on the effects and experience of empire.

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