How to Confront Race and Racism in International Development

  • Citation: Nwajiaku-Dahou, Kathryn, and Carmen Leon-Himmelstine. “How to Confront Race and Racism in International Development.” Overseas Development Institute, October 5, 2020.
    • Topics:
    • Reframing IR and Development
    • Keywords:
    • development research
    • decolonization
    • foreign aid sector
    • race

Much of the development project continues to be underpinned by attitudes, values and norms which are fundamentally racialised. The Black Lives Matter movement, and its explosion globally in the wake of the killing of George Floyd at the hands of police, has brought to the fore the systemic, structural and widespread nature of racial injustice, racial violence and racial inequality from which black people disproportionately suffer.

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