Missing Figures: The Cybersecurity Gender Gap

  • Citation: Beall, Spencer. “Missing Figures: The Cybersecurity Gender Gap.” Women in International Security, 2018.
    • Topics:
    • Conflict and Security
    • Keywords:
    • cybersecurity
    • women
    • workforce
    • gender gap
    • gender discrimination

The report will explore some of the main barriers that impede women’s entry, professional advancement, and retention in cybersecurity, including the pervasive gender discrimination in technology professions. Next, I will examine three core reasons why it is essential to get more women in cybersecurity, namely (1) to maximize innovation potential; (2)to expand usability of digital products to meet the needs of all consumers; and (3) to strengthen the global economy by fulfilling the cybersecurity industry’s rapidly growing job demand. Recommendations on how to dismantle the gender gap in cybersecurity and how to create in the digital age a global workforce that is safer, more efficient, and more prosperous are presented.

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