This study addresses the vital link between disability, poverty and development in developing Asian countries. The social model of disability defines “disability” as the consequence of institutional and social discrimination, as well as exclusion of persons with impairments. It is possible that a comprehensive social model of disability can provide a new framework for explaining the complexity of disability, poverty and development, exposing disability as a cross-cutting developmental issue. Furthermore, adopting such a model will shift policy focus towards improving the social-economic conditions that currently restrict disabled people from full participation in life. However, it is still a valid fact that in developing countries, poverty is not only a dependent variable of social processes and social barriers, but also a root cause of many forms of impairment and disability. Thus, best practice is most likely to be ensured through an integrated approach, using best practice of both social and developmental terms. This study aims at identifying priority areas for immediate action. Also, the empirical part of this study reviews and analyses the collective opinions and perceptions of those who took part in the questionnaire survey and focus group discussions, regarding disability rights, twin- track approach and priority areas, and targets for action by development agencies.
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