Postcolonialism, Feminism and Development: Intersections and Dilemmas

  • Citation: McEwan, Cheryl. "Postcolonialism, feminism and development: intersections and dilemmas." Progress in Development Studies 1.2 (2001): 93-111.
    • Topics:
    • IR Theories
    • Keywords:
    • agency
    • development
    • discourse
    • eurocentrism
    • feminism
    • postcolonialism

In recent years, postcolonial and feminist theories have had enormous consequences for how development is conceptualized. In light of this, the present paper explores the intersections between postcolonialism, feminism and development. It does so by, first, reviewing the primary issues underpinning postcolonial approaches to development. Secondly, the paper reviews the emergence of postcolonial feminisms and explores the key areas of debate generated by these approaches within development studies. Thirdly, the paper examines some of the dilemmas and criticisms provoked by these approaches, and concludes by exploring the ways in which postcolonial feminist approaches might continue to make significant advancement in rethinking development.

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