First Nations in Canada have long been victims of a multiplicity of unfair practices involving all sectors of society-education, justice, and socioeconomic concerns -to say nothing about everyday sufferings from racism, discrimination, and prejudice. The editors have arranged the documentation of these unfortunate happenings in nine major parts of the book, each containing three essays by different writers. The nine parts are: theoretical foundations; nation-building and the deeply racialized other; race, space, and territoriality; racialization, sexism, and Indigenous identities; family, belonging, and displacement; Indigenous rights, citizenship, and nationalism; decolonizing Indigenous education; poverty, economic marginality, and community development; and violence and the construction of criminality. According to the introduction, the objective of the book is “to explore the way colonial injustices have worked together to shape our experiences as Indigenous peoples and in the making of settler colonial relations”. This sets the stage for readers to expect a menu of criticisms, regret, and even antagonism. They will not be disappointed.
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