Just as women reporters face unique barriers to safety, work, and life amid war, so do Ukrainian women—yet we rarely get their story. Women’s voices constitute less than a quarter (23 percent) of the total experts, protagonists, or sources quoted in global digital news about the war in Ukraine, according to our analysis of the GDELT news monitoring database. Although Ukrainian women and children feature in a fraction of stories, these stories are often emotionally engaging and therefore more memorable, especially to readers who are accustomed to news that disproportionately features and sources men.
America’s Arctic Moment: Great Power Competition in the Arctic to 2050
Williams, Ian, Heather A. Conley, Nikos Tsafos, and Matthew Melino. “America’s Arctic Moment: Great Power Competition in the Arctic to 2050,” March 30, 2020.
- Open Source Results
- Authors with Diverse Backgrounds
Indonesia’s Great-Power Management in the Indo-Pacific: The Balancing Behavior of a ‘Dove State'
Shekhar, Vibhanshu. “Indonesia’s Great-Power Management in the Indo-Pacific: The Balancing Behavior of a ‘Dove State.’” Asia Policy 17, no. 4 (2022): 123–49.
- Authors with Diverse Backgrounds