Understanding the Connections Between Climate Change and Conflict: Contributions From Geography and Political Ecology

  • Citation: Abrahams, D., Carr, E.R. Understanding the Connections Between Climate Change and Conflict: Contributions From Geography and Political Ecology.Curr Clim Change Rep 3, 233–242 (2017).
    • Topics:
    • Global Development
    • Keywords:
    • climate change
    • conflict
    • political ecology
    • geography

The connections between climate change and conflict inherently raise questions related to space, scale, and nature-society relations, all themes central to modern geographic thought. The geographic and political ecological literature—and the literature informed by geography and political ecology—generally explores the relationship between climate change and conflict through case studies, employing a wide range of methods that enable understandings not accessible through exclusively large-n quantitative studies. As a result, this literature focuses on questions and challenges that are generally overlooked in the wider climate-conflict literature, including the importance of spatial and temporal scale and the ways in which vulnerability and resilience frame this relationship.

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