
Three Years Later: The Dire State of Afghanistan and Global Strategies for Ways Forward

Thursday, August 29, 2024
2:30 pm – 5:30 pm EDT

To mark the third year since the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security and the Afghanistan Policy Lab at Princeton School of Public and International Affairs will convene a group of policymakers, civil society leaders, and affected communities for a high-level event at the Princeton SPIA DC Center to discuss the roadmap to the future.

featuring welcoming remarks from

Ambassador Adela Raz, Director of Afghanistan Policy Lab & Former Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the U.S.

A high-level panel consisting of

Lisa Curtis, Director of Indo-Pacific Security Program, Center for a New American Security

Nader Nadery, Senior Fellow at the Wilson Center & Former Chairman of the Independent Civil Service Commission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Dr. Sima Samar, Fellow at the Fletcher School & Former Minister of Women’s Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 

Moderated by 

Ambassador Melanne Verveer, Executive Director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security 

If you have any questions please contact: Rebecca Radle,