Take Action

Use our index to spotlight state-level achievements—and injustices. Let’s make every state a great state for women.

Woman sitting at a desk looking at her computer.

What to Say

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Georgetown University recently ranked all 50 states and DC based on women’s rights and opportunities. Why aren’t we #1? I encourage you to review the rankings and the underlying data to see what we are doing right by women and where serious injustices and inequalities remain. There is also information on racial disparities within our state for women’s employment, college completion, representation in government, maternal mortality, gun-related deaths, and access to affordable healthcare. Please, take a look and help our state to be a better place to be for women. https://giwps.georgetown.edu/usa-index/

Inform yourself about challenges women face in the US and promising solutions

The list below includes organizations dedicated to educating our communities about issues affecting women's reproductive rights, gender gaps, and racial disparities.

Organization Website
Barbara Lee Family Foundation https://www.barbaraleefoundation.org/
Center for American Women in Politics https://cawp.rutgers.edu/
Economic Policy Institute https://www.epi.org/
Guttmacher Institute https://www.guttmacher.org/
Institute for Women’s Policy Research https://iwpr.org/
Kaiser Family Foundation https://www.kff.org/
National Center for Health Statistics https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/index.htm
National Center of Violence Against Women on the Black Community https://ujimacommunity.org/
UCSD Center on Gender Equality and Health https://geh.ucsd.edu/

Support organizations that are working to improve women’s rights

The list below includes organizations dedicated to improving women's reproductive rights, gender gaps, racial disparities, and other issues affecting our local communities.

Organization Website
A Better Balance https://www.abetterbalance.org/
Alice Paul Institute https://www.alicepaul.org/
Emerge https://emergeamerica.org/
Emily’s List https://www.emilyslist.org/
Equal Justice Institute https://eji.org/
Everytown for Gun Safety https://everytown.org/
Fair Fight https://fairfight.com/
Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence https://giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-laws/
Lean In https://leanin.org/
Legal Momentum https://www.legalmomentum.org/
National Birth Equity Collaborative https://birthequity.org/
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence https://ncadv.org/about-us
National Women’s Law Center https://nwlc.org/
Promundo https://promundoglobal.org/
Reflective Democracy Campaign https://wholeads.us/
SafeHorizon https://www.safehorizon.org/
Stop Street Harassment https://stopstreetharassment.org/
TIME'S UP Foundation https://timesupfoundation.org/about/
Vera Institute of Justice https://www.vera.org/
Women of Color Network https://wocninc.org/
Women's Media Center https://www.womensmediacenter.com/