
The International Council on Women’s Business Leadership (ICWBL) was formed by former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to serve the United States Government in a solely advisory capacity concerning major issues in international business and economic policy, including the effective integration of business interests and women’s economic empowerment into overall foreign policy.

Housed at the Institute, the ICWBL’s mission was to catalyze economic growth and inclusive prosperity through women’s economic participation. The ICWBL investigated critical gaps in women’s employment, entrepreneurship and leadership opportunities, identified best practices, explored potential synergies in programs and initiatives, convened leaders and innovators, and celebrates success.

The ICWBL’s areas of interest included (but were not limited to) access to finance, markets, networks, mentorship, capacity building, and technology, as well as women’s economic participation in fragile states. The ICWBL’s four working groups included: Access to Capital, Technology, Branding Women’s Role in the Economy, and Leadership.

The ICWBL concluded its work in 2020.

Council Members