
Gender and Sexual Minorities in Disaster Risk Reduction

A Reference Guide

Authored by: Kevin Blanchard, E. Chuck, Maureen Fordham et al.

Categories: Humanitarian Emergencies, Statebuilding
Sub-Categories: Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (DRRR)
Region: No Region
Year: 2023
Citation: Blanchard, Kevin, E. Chuck, Maureen Fordham, Z. Khan, Jess Roberts, and O. Walmsley. Gender and Sexual Minorities in Disaster Risk Reduction: A Reference Guide. London: University College London, 2023.

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Executive Summary

By examining the available literature, this guide aims to disseminate and promote the significance of the knowledge learnt from incorporating gender and sexual minority studies into disaster risk reduction. This objective facilitates a more truly inclusive and less binary understanding of the impact of gender and sexual identities on disaster risk, exposure and vulnerability.

This Reference Guide is a component of an ongoing project by both the IRDR Centre for Gender and Disaster and the Gender and Disaster Network (GDN), which seeks to compile existing literature on gender and disaster to be shared within diverse fields and sectors. It represents the fourth volume in our series of annotated bibliographies, offering cutting-edge perspectives and recent case studies to enhance comprehension of gender and intersectional aspects of disaster risk reduction.