
Healing the Wounds of War: The Peacebuilding Work of Sylvie Maunga Mbanga of the DRC

Authored by: Jennifer Freeman

Categories: Peace Support Operations
Sub-Categories: Peacemaking
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Year: 2008
Citation: Freeman, Jennifer. Healing the Wounds of War: The Peacebuilding Work of Sylvie Maunga Mbanga of the DRC. San Diego: Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, 2008.

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Executive Summary

This book profiles the peacemaking work of a Congolese activist, Sylvie Maunga Mbanga. A lawyer by training, Mbanga coordinates local action against sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and provides consulting and counseling services to numerous church and peacebuiling programs in the region. The book provides a summary of the work of the Joan B. Kroc Institute’s Women PeaceMakers Program, surveys the history of the conflict in the DRC, and tells a comprehensive narrative of the life and work of Mbanga.