
Security Equality, Engendering Peace

A Guide to Policy and Planning on Women, Peace and Security (UNSCR 1325)

Authored by: Kristin Valasek and Kaitlin Nelson

Categories: The Field of Women, Peace and Security
Sub-Categories: International Agreements, National Action Plans, UN Resolutions
Region: No Region
Year: 2006
Citation: Valasek, Kristin and Kaitlin Nelson. "Security Equality, Engendering Peace: A Guide to Policy and Planning on Women, Peace and Security (UNSCR 1325)." Santo Domingo: The United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women, 2006.

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Executive Summary

What must be done in order to transform written words into reality? One of today’s greatest development challenges is turning policy into practice. This is especially the case in the realm of women’s rights and gender equality, where the commitments made at the international and national levels remain far from the he day-t-day realities of women’s lives. This guide examines one of the crucial steps on the path towards the full implementation of existing laws, namely the formulation and implementation of concrete policies and plans. More specifically, this guide concentrates on the creation of action plans on the issue of women, peace and security (WPS). The purpose of this guide is to help facilitate the development of realistic actions plans on women, peace and security through the provision of good practices, specific recommendations and a six-step model process. The guide is designed as a resources for governments, United Nations and regional organizations as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who are interested in developing plans and policies on women, peace and security issues.