
Women and Conflict Transformation: Influences, Roles, and Experiences

Authored by: Ann Jordan

Categories: Statebuilding
Sub-Categories: Nonviolent Resistance, Peacemaking, Political Transitions
Region: No Region
Year: 2003
Citation: Jordan, Ann. "Women and Conflict Transformation: Influences, Roles, and Experiences." Development in Practice 13, no. 2/3 (2003): 239-51.

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Executive Summary

At first glance it would appear that despite women's vital participation in peace-making processes, they are for the most part marginalised or belittled. However; moving away from the idea of women as outsiders and/or victims, we find evidence of their involvement in projects initiated and driven by them and/or in activities in which they work in equal roles alongside men. Many women in conflict areas are advocating and working effectively with approaches to lasting positive peace that transcend traditional male-dominated structures and ideologies. Large numbers of ordinary women, men, and children are working mostly behind the scenes to achieve justice and equality. Women are very much involved but get far less recognition than men. The scale and diversity of largely unacknowledged but effective grassroots peace efforts worldwide, particularly among women, requires much greater recognition by the international community. This article is based on a research project that uses an oral testimony approach and a multicultural perspective to give voice to women working in the field in a wide range of transformational processes.