Countering Violent Extremism
The role of women in propagating and countering violent extremism (CVE) is an understudied but critical security issue in the 21st century that directly relates to the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and the six resolutions on women, peace and security that have followed it. Research and experience demonstrate that women can enable, support, benefit from, be victims of, counteract and prevent violent extremism. Their roles and experiences are not monochromatic but rather diverse and shaped by context, community and history.
GIWPS Research
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Women, Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Profiles in Peace
Women & Terrorism: Perpetrators and Peacemakers
We explore women’s role in perpetrating and preventing terrorism. We recognize the increased media attention that female violent actors are receiving, and we also spotlight the important role the women can–and do–play in preventing terrorism and countering violent extremism. The video features: Bruce Hoffman Director, Center for Security Studies and Security Studies Program Georgetown University; Naureen Chowdhury Fink Policy Specialist on Gender and Counter-Terrorism/PVE UN Women; and Edit Schlaffer Founder and Executive Director Women Without Borders/SAVE