Assessing the Potential of National Action Plans to Advance Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325
Sub-Categories: National Action Plans, Peacemaking, UN Resolutions
Region: No Region
Year: 2009
Citation: Swaine, Aisling. "Assessing the Potential of National Action Plans to Advance Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325." Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 12 (2009): 403-33.
Executive Summary
This article presents an overview of current debates and the strategies promoted at the international level to advance the ‘women, peace and security’ agenda. The article focuses specifically on SCR 1325 as the over-arching instrument that has set the benchmark for this international agenda. Section two provides a background to SCR 1325 followed by a cursory analysis of SCR 1820, SCR 1888 and SCR 1889 within the context of the ‘women, peace and security’ debate. Section three examines the implementation of SCR 1325 and outlines the steps taken by states to develop action plans as a means of meeting their obligations and commitments encapsulated under the resolution. A snap-shot of the ways in which ‘National Action Plans for the implementation of SCR 1325’ are being developed and the increasing role they are playing in international debate on the theme of ‘women, peace and security’ is outlined. The discussion focuses on steps taken by states individually and collectively through multilateral fora. In section four I consider some of the drawbacks of action plans as well as the inherent problems associated with translating theory into practice. In the penultimate section I consider some emerging trends that may facilitate implementation and conclude with some suggestions on possible avenues for the way ahead.