
Building Peace and Security for All: Canada’s Action Plan for the Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security

Authored by: Government of Canada

Categories: National Action Plans
Sub-Categories: National Action Plans
Country: Canada
Region: North America
Year: 2010
Citation: Government of Canada. Building Peace and Security for All: Canada’s Action Plan for the Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security. Ottawa: Government of Canada, 2010. Accessed October 24, 2016.

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The Canadian Government drafted a NAP in 2006, which proceeded to consultation with Civil Society in 2007. The final NAP was not adopted until 2010 and covers the period up to March 31, 2016. The NAP’s development was led by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade with contribution from the Department of National Defense, the Canadian International Development Agency, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Public Safety Canada, Status of Women Canada and Justice Canada, as well as Civil Society Organizations. Canada does not have a recent history of internal armed conflict or face serious external armed threats. However, Canada is a contributor to UN Peacekeeping missions, UN sanctioned NATO military missions, international humanitarian relief support and development assistance. As such, the Canadian NAP has been interpreted in an international way, seeking to mainstream gender and implement UNSCR 1325 across these activities, particularly as related to peace operations and engagement in fragile states and conflict-affected situations.