
Courage in the Crosshairs: Women in Cameroonian Peace and Conflict Networks

Authored by: Rosalie Fransen

Categories: Human Rights, Peace Support Operations, Violent Conflict
Sub-Categories: Countering Violent Extremism, Peacemaking, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), Violent Extremism
Country: Cameroon
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Year: 2022
Citation: Fransen, Rosalie. "Courage in the Crosshairs: Women in Cameroonian Peace and Conflict Networks." International Civil Society Networks. 2022.

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Executive Summary

The South West / North West Women’s Taskforce (SNWOT) and the Cameroon Women’s Peace Movement (CAWOPEM) two peace networks formed by women peacebuilders and activists to unite women in responding to Cameroon’s Anglophone crisis, which many of them view as a manifestation of violent extremism and which has been – controversially – labeled by the Cameroonian government as terrorism. The networks advocate for a “third” narrative to the crisis that centers universal values of peace, pluralism, human rights, and gender equality. The case study will also discuss the work of Action Locale pour un Développement Participatif et Autogéré (ALDEPA) in establishing networks to respond to the Boko Haram violence in Cameroon’s Far North.