
Discourses on Gender, Patriarchy and Resolution 1325: A Textual Analysis of UN Documents

Authored by: Nadine Puechguirbal

Categories: Peace Support Operations
Sub-Categories: Peacekeeping
Region: No Region
Year: 2010
Citation: Puechguirbal, Nadine. "Discourses on Gender, Patriarchy and Resolution 1325: A Textual Analysis of UN Documents." International Peacekeeping 17, no. 2 (2010): 172-187. Accessed January 8, 2017.

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This article deconstructs the language of UN documents that relate to peace operations and highlights recurrent definitions of women as vulnerable individuals, often associated with children. The author demonstrates that the perpetuation of stereotyping language in these documents removes women’s agency and maintains them in the subordinated position of victims. As a result, women are not seen as actors within their own community and agents of change in post-conflict environments. Despite the adoption of resolution 1325, the institution of the UN leaves the male monopoly of power unchallenged and presents gender mainstreaming as a non-political activity.