Evaluation of the WFP Gender Policy (2015-2020)
Sub-Categories: Human Development
Year: 2020
Citation: “Evaluation of the WFP Gender Policy (2015-2020).” World Food Programme, May 2020.
Executive Summary
The Gender Policy (2015-2020) was approved in May 2015. Its primary goal is for WFP to “integrate gender equality and women’s empowerment [GEWE} into all of its work and activities, and to ensure the different food security and nutrition needs of women, men, girls and boys are addressed”.
The Gender Policy identified four objectives:
i. Food assistance adapted to different needs. Women, men, girls and boys benefit from food assistance programmes and activities that are adapted to their different needs and capacities.
ii. Equal participation. Women and men participate equally in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of gender-transformative food security and nutrition programmes and policies.
iii. Decision-making by women and girls. Women and girls have increased power in decision making regarding food security and nutrition in households, communities and societies.
iv. Gender and protection. Food assistance does no harm to the safety, dignity and integrity of the women, men, girls and boys receiving it, and is provided in ways that respect their rights.
The evaluation provides evidence, analysis and recommendations related to the Gender Policy’s quality, results and to the factors that influenced those results. It covers the period from 2015 to 2019.