Fighting Inequality in Nepal
The Road to Prosperity
Sub-Categories: Economic Participation, Human Development
Country: Nepal
Region: South and Central Asia
Year: 2019
Citation: Oxfam in Nepal, and The Humanitarian Accountability Monitoring Initiative. Fighting Inequality in Nepal: The Road to Prosperity. Oxfam in Nepal, 2019, Fighting Inequality in Nepal: The Road to Prosperity.
Executive Summary
Today, more than 8.1 million Nepalis live in poverty. Women and girls are more likely to be poor, despite the significant contribution they make to the economy, especially through unpaid care and household work. More than one-third of Nepal’s children under five years are stunted, and 10% suffer wasting due to acute malnutrition. Without a concerted effort to tackle inequality and pursue policies that benefit the many rather than the richest few, the poorest and most marginalized Nepalis will continue to be excluded from progress. This report seeks to take stock of the context and drivers of inequality in Nepal, and offer evidence-based recommendations that can support the government’s commitment to tackling inequality. To build a more equal country that leaves nobody behind, Nepal must act now to put the right policies in place, and enable citizens and social movements to advocate for progressive change and hold decision-makers to account.