Gender and Peace Settlements from a Quantitative Perspective
A Global Survey
Sub-Categories: Human Development, Peace Accords, Peacemaking, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)
Region: No Region
Year: 2014
Citation: McLeod, Laura. Gender and Peace Settlements from a Quantitative Perspective: A Global Survey. European Research Council and University of Manchester, 2014.
Executive Summary
This working paper unpacks quantitative research relating to women and post-conflict settlements from the perspective of gender-as-relational-power. In part one, eleven databases are reviewed. This review reveals that there is very little quantitative information collected about the process of reaching an agreement. This paper suggests that these databases contribute to the “knowledge” that we have about gender and peace agreements, establishing the basis from which peacebuilding and peacekeeping operate from. The second part of this paper explores what the data shows about women’s involvement in peace processes, and the gendered outcomes of any settlements made. It is clear that existing data about female participation in the peace process is limited and further research is needed to understand the various modalities of participation and who gets involved in the negotiation process.