
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Self-Assessment Tool: Facilitation Guide for WASH Project Managers, Researchers and Self-Assessment Facilitators

Working Towards Transformation in Inclusive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Authored by: Joanna Mott, Heather Brown, Di Kilsby et al.

Categories: Global Public Health, Human Rights
Sub-Categories: Economic Participation, Human Development
Region: No Region
Year: 2021
Citation: Mott, Joanna, Heather Brown, Di Kilsby et al. "Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Self-Assessment Tool: Facilitation Guide for WASH Project Managers, Researchers and Self-Assessment Facilitators." Sida. August 2021.

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Executive Summary

The facilitated self-assessment provides the opportunity to discuss and reflect on current strengths and how to improve processes that drive positive change in GESI through your projects and organisation.

It also provides an opportunity for your project and organisation to measure progress towards transformative practice and outcomes. It enables participants to identify strategies to strengthen gender equality/diversity and social inclusion, consider strategies to make change, and highlight opportunities for improvement within their work.