Gender Equality: Women’s Rights in Review 25 Years after Beijing
Sub-Categories: International Agreements, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)
Year: 2020
Citation: UN Women Headquarters. “Gender Equality: Women’s Rights in Review 25 Years after Beijing.” Institutional Report. United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), 2020.
Executive Summary
Marking the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action, as well as the first time that progress on the implementation of the Platform is reviewed in light of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, this report takes an integrated approach to reporting on progress, gaps, and challenges related to the advancement of gender equality and women’s rights. It uses striking data to examine six themes that link the Platform’s critical areas of concern and the Sustainable Development Goals:
- Inclusive development, shared prosperity, and decent work
- Poverty eradication, social protection, and social services
- Freedom from violence, stigma, and stereotypes
- Participation, accountability, and gender-responsive institutions
- Peaceful and inclusive societies
- Environmental conservation, climate action, and resilience-building
To ensure that progress is accelerated and achieved across all these themes, the report calls for four catalysts for change:
- Support women’s movements and leadership,
- Harness technology for gender equality,
- Ensure no one is left behind, and
- Match commitments with resources.
It highlights that what’s needed now is a concerted drive to scale up, expand, and deepen policies and programmes that can accelerate the implementation of the entire Platform for Action for this generation and the next.