Women in the Security Sector – A Regional Perspective
A Collection of Thematic Papers
Sub-Categories: International Law, Peacekeeping, Security Sector Reform (SSR), UN Resolutions
Region: No Region
Year: 2011
Citation: Pottenger, Carol and Kimberlie Young. "Gender Perspective Within NATO." In Women in the Security Sector--A Regional Perspective: A Collection of Thematic Papers, edited by Jovanka Šaranović, 42-50. Belgrade: Strategic Research Institute, 2011.
Executive Summary
The Collection of papers is structured in four thematic parts:(1) Women and Security – Theoretical Aspects; (2) UNSCR 1325 – International Context; (3) National Action Plans for the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 in the Region; (4) Regional Cooperation in Implementation of UNSCR 1325. Additional parts consist of articles with useful information on current events related to gender equality in the security sector. Papers presented in the Collection of papers suggest, in detail, different answers to questions about what should be done on different levels – global, regional, and national, so that there would be fewer obstacles on the path towards the higher standards of gender equality in the security sector. Common denominators in these suggestions are: the commitment to build appropriate criteria for evaluation of achievements in various gender equality domains; determination of priorities in relation to which the future tasks should be projected so that the substance is set before the form (the common interest before the individual); pointing out the cooperation significance, primarily on the regional level, as the precondition for maximal use of objective capabilities.