Global Report on Internal Displacement 2019
Sub-Categories: Human Development, Migration, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)
Year: 2019
Citation: “Global Report on Internal Displacement 2019.” Internal Displacement Monitoring Center, 2019.
Executive Summary
The Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) provides an overview of the world’s most significant situations of internal displacement and highlights the political and operational investments needed to address its impacts and reduce the risk of it happening in the future. This year’s report underscores the fact that internal displacement is becoming increasingly protracted and urban. As cities grow and the landscape of urban displacement changes, local authorities will be at the forefront of responding to crises and reducing risk in the longer term. National responsibility and leadership and international accountability must combine with significant tangible support for local action. As the number of IDPs worldwide continues to rise, it is ever more important that all actors working to address internal displacement have comprehensive and accurate data and evidence to inform their policy and practice. GRID 2019 contributes to filling important knowledge gaps, while also flagging up areas were data and evidence need to be improved.