
I’m Here: Adolescent Girls in Emergencies

Approach and Tools for Improved Response

Authored by: Omar J. Robles

Categories: Humanitarian Emergencies
Sub-Categories: Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (DRRR), Human Development
Country: South Sudan
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Year: 2014
Citation: Omar J. Robles. I’m Here: Adolescent Girls in Emergencies: Approach and Tools for Improved Response. New York: Women’s Refugee Commission, 2014

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Executive Summary

I’m Here: Adolescent Girls in Emergencies is a resource for emergency response staff. It outlines an operational approach and recommendations that can help humanitarian sectors be more accountable to adolescent girls from the start of an emergency. Key rationale, findings and recommendations are based on a literature scan, expert interviews, and a field assessment and pilot testing of mobile-based tools in South Sudan. The report structure allows readers to read the full narrative or to access special sub-sections. Each section begins with a summary of key findings and messages, followed by supporting information. Annexes contain supplementary material and tools.