
Improving the Status of Women in the Wake of War: Overcoming Structural Obstacles

Authored by: Julie Mertus

Categories: Peace Support Operations, Statebuilding
Sub-Categories: Democratization and Political Participation, Peacemaking, Political Transitions, Transitional Justice
Country: Kosovo
Region: Europe and Eurasia
Year: 2003
Citation: Mertus, Julie. "Improving the Status of Women in the Wake of War: Overcoming Structural Obstacles." Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 41, no. 54 (2003): 541–555.

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This paper highlights the relationship between increasing women’s participation in legislative, judicial, and security efforts and a seemingly insignificant impact on the lives of women. Specifically, it explores the limitations inherent in a rights-based approach, and focuses on particular structural challenges to including women in the peacebuilding process.