
Independent Interim Review of the Australian National Action Plan

Authored by: Sarah Shteir, Sarah Boyd, Beth Eggleston, et al

Categories: The Field of Women, Peace and Security
Sub-Categories: International Law, National Action Plans, UN Resolutions
Country: Australia
Region: East Asia and the Pacific
Year: 2015
Citation: Shteir, Sarah, Sarah Boyd, Beth Eggleston, et al. Independent Interim Review of the Australian National Action Plan. Melbourne: Humanitarian Advisory Group, 2015.

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Executive Summary

The Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012-2018 (Australian NAP) is the Australian Government’s primary mechanism for fulfilling its commitment to turn the landmark United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) and the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda into action. The Australian NAP calls for two independent reviews during the 2012–2018 period. The first is an interim review in 2015. The second is a final review to be conducted in 2018. This report provides the findings from the independent interim review of the Australian NAP. The focus of the interim review was on tracking whole of government progress on the implementation of the actions under the Australian NAP, analyzing their relevance against the intended outcomes, and analyzing the relevance of the Australian NAP to inform actions to implement the WPS Agenda more broadly. The interim review also assessed the extent to which the framework, actions, and processes of the Australian NAP can sustain a final assessment of its effectiveness, including its capacity to address new and emerging issues in the WPS agenda and the critical role of civil society.