Keeping Girls in Schools to Reduce Child Marriage in Rural Bangladesh
Sub-Categories: Economic Participation, Human Development, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), Sexual and Reproductive Health
Country: Bangladesh
Region: East Asia and the Pacific
Year: 2020
Citation: “Keeping Girls in Schools to Reduce Child Marriage in Rural Bangladesh.” The Population Council, 2020.
Executive Summary
The Population Council, with UNICEF funding, implemented the project “Keeping Girls in Schools to Reduce Child Marriage in Rural Bangladesh.” The project’s goal is to engage secondary schools to promote skills through after-school activities to keep girls in school and reduce child marriage. An intervention research study, the project tests a life-skills and tutoring support model to reduce school dropout among secondary-school girls and to build aspirations for livelihood skills among unmarried girls who have dropped out of school—with the goal of delaying marriage. This brief provides an overview and summary of the project followed by highlights: research design and baseline characteristics, education, marriage and reproductive health, gender and rights, girls’ social lives, and livelihood.