
Learning to Engender Reparations in Timor-Leste: Reaching Out to Female Victims

Authored by: Galuh Wandita, Karen Campbell-Nelson, and Manuela Leong Pereira

Categories: Statebuilding
Sub-Categories: Democratization and Political Participation, Political Transitions, Transitional Justice
Country: Timor-Leste
Region: East Asia and the Pacific
Year: 2006
Citation: Wandita, Galuh, Karen Campbell-Nelson, and Manuela Leong Pereira. "Learning to Engender Reparations in Timor-Leste: Reaching Out to Female Victims." In What Happened to the Women? Gender and Reparations for Human Rights Violations, edited by Ruth Rubio-Marin, 284-335, New York: Social Science Research Council, 2006.

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As in other post-conflict societies, the women of Timor-Leste walk a tightrope between the opposing polarities of exhilarating change and traditional customs. With the withdrawal of Indonesian forces, many women who had been active in the struggle for independence continued to deal with past abuses while also advocating for gender equality in the process of nation building. Timorese women took the lead in the emergency and rehabilitation phase of the transitional process by providing emergency shelter, counseling, and support for victims of violence. The transitional process has also been marked by women’s mobilization that has resulted in significant positions for women in the government. Women also played an active role in the CAVR as commissioners and staff members, as those who gave testimony and participated in various CAVR programs and as members of women’s organizations that were involved in the implementation of some CAVR .