Madagascar Gender Lens Entrepreneurship and Investing Report
Sub-Categories: Climate and Environment, COVID-19, Democratization and Political Participation, Economic Participation, Human Development, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)
Country: Madagascar
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Year: 2020
Citation: "Madagascar Gender Lens Entrepreneurship and Investing Report." Girls Who Venture. 2020.
Executive Summary
Even though Africa is the only region where women are more likely than men to become entrepreneurs, women in Madagascar continue to experience a number of barriers to starting and growing their businesses. On the one hand, high rates of violence against women, deeply-engrained traditional gender norms, and stigmatization of the informal sector limit women’s opportunities to become entrepreneurs from a young age. These social limitations are compounded by prevalent barriers to accessing the finances and land that female business owners may need. For those that are able to start a business, geographic realities often restrict the ability of a business to expand its customer base beyond the local community. Even in the face of these barriers, the rates of female early-stage entrepreneurs in Madagascar exceeded that of male early-stage entrepreneurs in 2019, indicating a promising window of opportunity for Madagascar’s women and the country’s potential future prosperity.