Masculinity Today: Men’s Attitudes To Gender Stereotypes And Violence Against Women
Sub-Categories: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)
Country: Ukraine
Region: Europe and Eurasia
Year: 2018
Citation: United Nations Population Fund Ukraine. Masculinity Today: Men's Attitudes To Gender Stereotypes And Violence Against Women. Report. June 2018.
Executive Summary
One of the ways to start the discussion about the role, responsibilities and potential of men in advancing gender equality is to study the culture of masculinity, as it is responsible for determining and entrenchment of the prevailing men’s roles, patterns of behavior and attitudes. In this way we recognize that the evolvement of masculine identity is under the permanent pressure of society requiring that men’s behavior should meet certain expectations and norms. Men’s socialization starts in the early childhood and faces many impacts, including upbringing and observation of marital relations in the parents’ family, school environment and relations with peers, information environment and the mass media. Widely accepted norms of male behavior also determine what traits, attitudes and lifestyle patterns are expected from modern men by the society; these norms are not always favorable to their social well-being and quality of life. In particular, aggression and predisposition to violence are often perceived by most people as the negative aspects of manhood and masculine identity. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the process of socialization of the modern men by exploring their behavioral patterns, attitudes and cultural practices related to the impact of gender norms and stereotypes. The study is also particularly focused at men’s perception of the gender-based violence, since the causes of this social problem are largely related to inequalities between men and women.