Measuring Violence in Conflict Environments: A Metrics Framework
Sub-Categories: De-escalation and Preventive Diplomacy, National Security Forces and Armed Groups, Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Year: 2010
Citation: Measuring Violence in Conflict Environments: A Metrics Framework. Washington, District of Columbia: United States Institute Of Peace Press, 2010.
Executive Summary
This document constitutes the Measuring Progress in Conflict Environments (MPICE) Metrics Framework. The Framework is a hierarchical metrics system of outcome-based goals, indicators, and measures. Once collected, the measures can be aggregated to provide indications of trends toward the achievement of stabilization goals over time. MPICE provides a system of metrics that can assist in formulating policy and implementing strategic and operational plans to transform conflict and bring stability to war-torn societies. These metrics provide the content for baseline operational and strategic-level assessments allowing policymakers to diagnose potential obstacles to stabilization prior to an intervention. The principal purpose is to enable practitioners to track progress from the point of intervention through stabilization and, ultimately, to a self-sustaining peace. This metrics system is designed to identify potential sources of continuing violent conflict and instability and to gauge the capacity of indigenous institutions to overcome them. The intention is to assist policymakers in establishing realistic goals, bringing adequate resources and authorities to bear, focusing their efforts strategically, and enhancing prospects for attaining an enduring peace.