
National Action Plan: Implementation in Senegal of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325

Authored by: Republic of Senegal Ministry of Gender and Relations with African and Foreign Women's Associations

Categories: National Action Plans
Sub-Categories: National Action Plans
Country: Senegal
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Year: 2011
Citation: Republic of Senegal Ministry of Gender and Relations with African and Foreign Women's Associations. National Action Plan: Implementation in Senegal of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325. Dakar: Republic of Senegal, 2011.

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The societal complexity of the region, coupled with the various belligerents for the exercise of power, created conditions in which objective threats, such as manifestations and exacerbations of violence within society, including within families, is constant. Indeed, violence, including armed and juvenile violence, plagues the security of the country and its population. These security risks concern people, and the most important determinants of human security in Senegal and Casamance in are: demonstrations of periodic violence targeting civilians and military and which have adverse consequences on the economic, social, cultural and political life of the people; the circulation of small arms and drugs, which requires care and management at the subregional and regional levels; trafficking in human beings that is linked to the previous security risk and ncluding children and women; all forms of violence including physical violence, rape and sexual and gender-based violence that have an impact that is difficult to evaluate but which is seriously detrimental to the physical, mental and social health of the population.