
Northwest Syria: “No One Has Power Over Me.”

Authored by: Aditi Bhanja, Tenzin Manell, Janna Metzler et al.

Categories: Human Rights
Sub-Categories: Economic Participation, Economic Recovery, Human Development
Country: Syria
Region: Middle East and North Africa
Year: 2022
Citation: Bhanja, Aditi, Tenzin Manell, Janna Metzler et al. "Northwest Syria: 'No One Has Power Over Me.'” Women's Refugee Commission. September 2022.

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Executive Summary

Traditionally, refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) have received aid in the form of in-kind assistance. Increasingly, however, cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is being used in humanitarian response to meet the diverse needs of those displaced by crisis and conflict.

Preliminary findings by the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) indicate that CVA supports gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response activities, yet humanitarian GBV programming does not comprehensively or consistently consider using CVA. This is a critical gap, as refugee, internally displaced, and migrant women and girls face multiple risks and incidents of GBV before, during, and after crises.