Partnerships and Power: Understanding the Dynamics Between International and National Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Organizations
Sub-Categories: Sexual and Reproductive Health
Region: No Region
Year: 2023
Citation: EngenderHealth. "Partnerships and Power: Understanding the Dynamics Between International and National Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Organizations." EngenderHealth, 2023.
Executive Summary
Established in 2022, Transforming INGO Models for Equity (TIME) is a collaboration-based initiative that seeks to explore how SRHR INGOs can and should rethink how they operate to contribute to responsive, equitable, and inclusive development. It is grounded in the understanding that the SRHR community is prepared, and in many cases is already, moving towards more locally-led development. And that INGOs would benefit from a consultative process that examines how to adapt their operational models to achieve this goal. At its core, TIME believes that one INGO alone cannot lead sector-wide reforms, but together – working as a community of INGOs, NNGOs, and funders – it is possible to chart a course that is equitable, resilient, and accountable.