
Ples Bilong Mere: Law, Gender and Peace-Building in Solomon Islands

Authored by: Jennifer Corrin

Categories: Peace Support Operations
Sub-Categories: Peacemaking
Country: Solomon Islands
Region: East Asia and the Pacific
Year: 2008
Citation: Corrin, Jennifer. "Ples Bilong Mere: Law, Gender and Peace-Building in Solomon Islands." Feminist Legal Studies 16, no. 2 (2008): 169–194.

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This article discusses women and peace-building in Solomon Islands and the effect of law, theory and practical circumstances on their role. It looks at the place of Solomon Islands women in society historically, with particular reference to war and peace. It then analyses their current status from a legal perspective, looking at the existing Constitution, the proposed Federal Constitution, and relevant aspects of international law. It questions whether gender equity provisions are sufficient to promote participation at a practical level. The article also disputes the effectiveness of various international, regional, and local initiatives, designed to enhance the status of women. The article discusses the application of some of the theories relating to women and peace-building to the circumstances of Solomon Islands. It concludes by looking to the future and discussing means of consolidating women’s position, and increasing their involvement in leadership and decision-making.