Reaching Refugee Survivors of Gender-Based Violence
Evaluation of a Mobile Approach to Service Delivery in Lebanon
Sub-Categories: Migration, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), Sexual and Reproductive Health
Country: Lebanon
Region: Middle East and North Africa
Year: 2016
Citation: Reaching Refugee Survivors of Gender-Based Violence: Evaluation of a Mobile Approach to Service Delivery in Lebanon. International Center for Research on Women and International Rescue Committee, 2016.
This program provides women and girls free access to emotional support groups, recreational activities and a case worker who can provide counseling and psychosocial support and connect them to legal, health and other necessary services. But unlike most GBV services that are located in fixed centers and require women and girls to travel to them, the IRC’s mobile services meet women and girls where they are. One day per week over the course of about six months, the IRC conducts activities in women’s and girls’ own communities in locations that are comfortable and familiar, such as clinics, mosques and community centers. In 2015, the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and the IRC collaborated to evaluate this approach. The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the extent to which the mobile service delivery approach is able to meet the safety and support needs of refugee women and girls