Strengthen Women’s Political Participation & Decision-Making Power
Facts, Solutions, Case Studies, and Calls to Action
Sub-Categories: Democratization and Political Participation
Year: 2019
Citation: DiLanzo, Tatiana. “Strengthen Women’s Political Participation & Decision-Making Power: Facts, Solutions, Case Studies, and Calls to Action.” Women Deliver, November 2019.
Executive Summary
The full and equal political participation of women is a prerequisite for democratic governance. However, globally, girls and women continue to be marginalized from the political sphere due to restrictive laws and institutional barriers, discriminatory cultural practices, and disproportionately low access to quality education, healthcare, and resources. Yet reversing discriminatory policies and practices is possible and has been done.
This policy brief examines various proven solutions to addressing barriers in institutions, socio-cultural norms, and individual capacity in order to empower all girls and women and amplify their voices in decision-making processes. The interventions presented range from raising awareness among girls and women — particularly the most marginalized — of their rights and national power structures, to fostering inclusivity in leadership roles.