Stumbling Block for Women Entrepreneurship in Nigeria: How Risk Attitude and Lack of Capital Mitigates their Need for Business Expansion
Sub-Categories: Economic Participation, Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Country: Nigeria
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Year: 2011
Citation: Garba, Abubakar S. "Stumbling Block for Women Entrepreneurship in Nigeria: How Risk Attitude and Lack of Capital Mitigates their Need for Business Expansion." European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences 36 (2011): 38-49.
Executive Summary
The role of women entrepreneurs in economic development has been an interestingtheme among researchers and academics. In any attempt to integrate women intodevelopment issue special attention should be given to study their economic contributionsas well as problems hinder their business development. Generally women entrepreneurssuffer a lot of set back and constraints in exploiting their potentials unlike their mencounterpart. There is wide range of factors responsible for limiting the progress of womenentrepreneurs. They are affected in one way or the other by these factors and they continueto be a major challenge generally for women entrepreneurship. The aim of this paper is toexamine the influence of women entrepreneurial attitude toward risk and lack of capital ontheir need for business expansion. A survey was conducted using 30 samples of womenentrepreneurs within Kano metropolis. The result reveals that the need for businessexpansion is correlated with entrepreneurs’ risk attitude and lack of capital. The risk attitude is positively affects need for business expansion while lack of capital affectsentrepreneurs’ need for business expansion negatively. The implication of this paper doesnot only pertains to identifying how these factors influence women entrepreneurship and business expansion but it opens another window and serves as springboard for prospectiveresearchers to study the unique problem of women entrepreneurs in different environmentrather than considering the problem as a universal one.