
Tearing Down the Walls: Confronting the Barriers to Internally Displaced Women and Girls’ Participation in Humanitarian Settings

Authored by: Kristine Anderson

Categories: Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Violent Conflict
Sub-Categories: Economic Participation, Human Development, Migration, National Security Forces and Armed Groups, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)
Year: 2019
Citation: Anderson, Kristine. “Tearing Down the Walls: Confronting the Barriers to Internally Displaced Women and Girls' Participation in Humanitarian Settings.” United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2019.

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Executive Summary

Internal displacement is one of the most pressing policy and humanitarian challenges standing before the global community. This UNHCR research project is an effort to further investigate the gender dimensions of internal displacement by understanding the barriers facing internally displaced (IDP) women and girls in participating in making decisions that affect all aspects of their lives.