
The Government of Turkey and Syrian Refugees: A Gender Assessment of Humanitarian Assistance Programming

Authored by: Amanda Jessen

Categories: Humanitarian Emergencies
Sub-Categories: Human Development, Migration, Sexual and Reproductive Health
Country: Turkey, Syria
Region: Middle East and North Africa
Year: 2013
Citation: Jessen, Amanda. The Government of Turkey and Syrian Refugees: A Gender Assessment of Humanitarian Assistance Programming. Washington, DC: Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, 2013. Accessed October 3, 2016.

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Executive Summary

This report examines the degree to which the Turkish government has adequately addressed the needs of Syrian refugees both in camps and in urban settings, paying particular attention to Syrian refugee women. Through this examination, the author highlights how the government views Syrian refugees primarily as visitors in Turkey, and partly for that reason pays virtually no attention to urban refugees. Moreover, the government over-emphasizes hard-security infrastructure at the cost of softer measures, such as psychological, child, and maternal health support, which ultimately negatively impacts female refugees.