
Violence Against Women in Latin America and the Caribbean: A comparative analysis of population- based data from 12 countries

Authored by: Sarah Bott, Alessandra Guedes, Mary Goodwin, and Jennifer Adams Mendoza

Categories: Human Rights
Sub-Categories: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
Year: 2013
Citation: Bott, Sarah, Alessandra Guedes, Mary Goodwin, and Jennifer Adams Mendoza. Violence Against Women in Latin America and the Caribbean: A comparative analysis of population- based data from 12 countries. Washington, DC: Pan American Health Organization, 2013.

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Executive Summary

The overall purpose of this comparative analysis is to raise awareness of violence against women at national and regional levels. Specific objectives are to:
• Make comparative data from DHS and RHS surveys from the Region easier to access and disseminate among researchers, policy makers, and program managers.
• Increase knowledge about the prevalence, risk factors, consequences, and attitudes towards violence against women in the Region.
• Catalyze change by motivating policy makers and programmers to design and implement evidence- based strategies to prevent and respond to violence against women in the Region.