Voices of Youth in Post-conflict Burundi: Perspectives on Exclusion, Gender and Conflict
Sub-Categories: Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR), Economic Recovery, Human Development, Migration, Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Country: Burundi
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Year: 2012
Citation: Peeters, Pia, Emilie R. Smith, and Maria Correia. Voices of Youth in Post-conflict Burundi: Perspectives on Exclusion, Gender and Conflict. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2012.
Executive Summary
Based on qualitative data, this report examines the situation of youth in post-conflict Burundi today – with a focus on young men. Focused on capturing the ‘voices of youth’, it attempts to gain insights on the influence of gender norms and expectations in the lives of young Burundians, with the objective of identifying if these may contribute to men’s increased frustration and violence. By better understanding these issues, the research hopes to provide insight on how to prevent future conflict as well as how to make youth more productive citizens in Burundi. Given that Burundi has just developed its National Youth Policy in 2008, findings from the research may also serve as an input into the application of the policy and future programming.